Maestría 2018

Cornejo-Denman, L.,Romo-León, J.R., Castellanos, A.E., Díaz-Caravantes, R.E., Moreno-Vázquez, J.L., Méndez-Estrella, R. (2018). Assessing riparian vegetation condition and function in disturbed sites of the Arid Northwestern Mexico. Land 7, 13. 

González-Félix, M.L., Gatlin III, D.M., Urquidez-Bejarano, P., De la Ree-Rodríguez, C.,  Duarte-Rodríguez, L., Sánchez, F., Casas-Reyes, A., Yamamoto, F.Y., Ochoa-Leyva, A., Pérez-Velázquez, M. (2018). Effects of commercial dietary prebiotic and probiotic supplements on growth, innate immune responses, and intestinal microbiota and histology of Totoaba macdonaldi. Aquaculture, 491, pp. 239-251.

González-Félix, M.L., Santana-Bejarano E.B.,Pérez-Velázquez, M., Villalba-Villalba, A.G. (2018). Partial characterization, quantification and activity of pancreatic lipase in the gastrointestinal tract of Totoaba macdonaldi. Arch Biol Sci. 70(3):489-96.

Robles-Tamayo, C.M., Valdez, J.E.,García-Morales, R., Figueroa-Preciado, G., Herrera-Cervantes, H., López-Martínez, J.,  Enríquez-Ocaña, L.F. (2018). Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variability of the Eastern Coastal zone of the Gulf of California. Remote Sens. 10(9), 1434; doi:10.3390/rs10091434

VillanuevaGutiérrez, E.,Enríquez‐Ocaña, L.F., López‐Elías, J.A., Garza‐Aguirre, M.D.C., Mazón‐Suástegui, J.M., Martínez‐Córdova, L.R. (2018). Gonadic conditioning and maturation of the queen conch (Dosinia ponderosa) fed three microalgae at three temperatures. Aquacult Nutr. 25:88–96.